Renewable energies

Renewable energy

Economic feasibility, funding, literature 

of energy recovery plants

Economic feasibility

In order to calculate the economic efficiency of wastewater heat recovery plants different calculation tools can be used.

The main purpose in the installation of the energy recovery plants is to attain as high level of efficiency as possible. Put differently, the cost-benefit ratio must be such that the plant fulfils the requirement of minimal return.
The investment costs of the plant comprise acquisition and manufacturing costs for heat exchangers, heat pumps and connection piping. In addition, investments in the control system and potentially in the renovation of the existing heat supply systems also apply. Maintenance and energy costs must also be taken into consideration. In order to alleviate the cost burden, possible funding can be deducted.

Once there is a plan, the following cost can be determined:  


  • Investment, maintenance and energy costs 
  • Determining specific heating cost of the energy recovery plant and comparing that with conventional heating technology (see Excel tool for price calculation)
  • Capital value and calculation of returns (see Excel tool economic feasibility)


For more information on funding sources in Switzerland, please contact the business office of InfraWatt


Wärmeverbund Wipkingen
Wärmenutzung aus Abwasser
EAWAG-Wärmerückgewinnung aus Abwassersystemen
Ratgeber Bauherren Gemeinden Schweiz
IKT-Wärmerückgewinnung aus Abwasserkanälen
Leitfaden für Ingenieure Planer - Deutschland
Ratgeber Deutschland
Wärme aus dem Abwasserkanal
Abwasserwärmenutzung Leitfaden Austria
Energiequellen zum Heizen und Kühlen
Wärmerückgewinnung aus Abwasser
Abwasserwärmenutzung BFE
Eawag Schriftenreihe 19

Additional documents 

Advisory note DWA-M 114 on wastewater heat recovery, available from DWA, Germany.